Amateur Radio Relay Group
The Amateur Radio Relay Group, Inc. (ARRG) is an Oregon Non-Profit 501C (3) public service organization. ARRG owns and operates the 18 different VHF and UHF repeaters that make up the K7RPT system. The repeaters provide communications coverage to about most of the populated areas of Oregon and some of SW Washington State.
ARRG was founded in 1977 and we are currently celebrating our 44st year of providing quality repeater service to the Amateur Radio Community. The K7RPT repeaters, IRLP and Echo link gateways have always been ‘open’ and completely free to use, so long as you are a licensed Amateur Radio Operator and agree to follow our Repeater Use Policies. After you’ve enjoyed the use of the system for a few months, please consider helping to maintain the repeater system by joining ARRG. ARRG hosts the D1 net nightly.
Oregon ARES District 1 Net
ARES District 1 Net meets daily for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency.
Net Information: Meets Daily 7:30-PM-8:00PM on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 444.400 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, also the 146.72 megahertz repeater on Wickiup Mountain with a 114.8 hz tone. We also have an alternate repeater on 146.84 megahertz.
We meet 7 days a week 365 days a year. There are 7 Regular Net Control Stations and 14 active Alternate Net Control Stations. We also have an additional 13 inactive alternates that can be activated at anytime.
The D1 Net Control Schedule is updated and maintained by Mark, KC7NYR the Assistant Net Manager and Net Secretary and also Hal, KC7ZZB the Net Manager. If your interested in becoming an Alternate Net Control Station, just contact KC7NYR or KC7ZZB and we will get you set up.
Amateur Radio Relay Group
The Western Oregon Radio Club
The Western Oregon Radio Club is an Amateur Radio club located in Portland Oregon. The club functions to operate radio repeaters to provide coverage over a large portion of the northwest corner of the state of Oregon.
The club has several separate radio sites for repeaters. The separate sites are linked using RF linking to allow users on any local repeater to be heard on any of the other repeaters.
The club also has RF links to other similar Amateur Radio Repeater systems located throughout the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The current roster of repeaters participating in the Evergreen Intertie system includes 32 separate repeaters.
The Western Oregon Radio Club operates Linked Amateur Radio repeaters in the Portland Oregon Area, including: 146.80, 443.150, and 1291.00 at
Clackamas Oregon 145.430, 442.875, and 53.35 at Colton, Oregon
442.525 at Aloha, Oregon
52.850, 145.27,and 441.825 in the Coast Range near Timber
29.68 FM, 52.83, 145.47, 224.06 and 443.425 at Sherwood
52.97, 146.80, and 442.925 at Mt. Hood, Oregon
442.275 at Newberg, Oregon 927.1125 at Forest Grove, Oregon
Western Oregon Radio Club
Portland Amateur Radio Club – Serving Portland for 80 years
Portland Amateur Radio Club (PARC) has been serving the amateur radio community and the City of Portland, Oregon, since 1941.
The club call is W7LT.
The Oregon Tualatin Valley Amateur Radio Club (OTVARC)
We are a group of Amateur Radio Operators who strive to foster good will and cooperation between all radio services, to be instrumental in helping the beginning or prospective Amateur Radio Operator sustain their interest and become properly licensed, to afford those active in the Amateur Radio Service a means by which to meet and associate with others, to promote radio knowledge, friendship and individual operating skills. We provide club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of the Amateur Radio Service in the community.