Oregon ARES District 1
Amateur Radio Emergency Communications. This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency.
Net Information: Meets Daily 7:30-PM-8:00PM on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, also the 146.72 megahertz repeater on Wickiup Mountain with a 114.8 hz tone. We also have an alternate repeater on 146.84 megahertz.
Website: http://www.oregonaresd1.us/wp/
Linux User Net every Monday from 8:10PM-9:00PM PST.on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, also the 146.72 megahertz repeater on Wickiup Mountain with a 114.8 hz tone.
You can also join us via 147.040 IRLP NODE #7959 or 147.320 ECHOLINK: K7RPT-L on The Amateur Radio Relay Group (ARRG) System.
For past Linux User Net sessions visit The Linux Page.
The Outdoors Net
Please join our weekly Outdoors Net every Thursday from 8:05PM-9:00PM PST.
The primary purpose of this Net is to share Information about great Outdoors.
Net Information: Our primary linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2.
Website: https://theoutdoorsnet.net/
Local Nets on The K7RPT ARRG Repeater System Only
{ Sundays }
CPCBSA Scout Net 430PM-5:00PM 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone
Neighborhood Emergency Communications Net – Portland’s Net Net
This net meets every Sunday evening at 8:10 P.M. local time on this K7RPT 147.040 MHz repeater.
This repeater has a positive 600kHz offset and a tone of 100.0 Hz. Our purpose is to provide experience with and exchange information about amateur radio use by NETs (Neighborhood Emergency Teams)and CERTs (Community Emergency Response Teams).
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact the NET Net Management Team at pdxnet.net@gmail.com
Website URL Short Address:
Website Complete Address: https://portlandprepares.org/net-resources/radio/ham-radio-2/practice-opportunities-2/net-net/
Clackamas County Amateur Radio Emergency Services- CARES Net Every Sunday Night at 7 PM on the Mt. Hood 147.120 /444.225 Repeater
7:00PM Clackamas County (CARES) Net, (100.0) 147.120 MHz
Website: http://clackamasares.org
Other Local Nets
Washington County ARES/RACES
Washington County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) exists for the purpose of providing backup emergency communications to many served agencies in Washington County, Oregon.
Net Information: Tuesdays at 7pm PT (every Tuesday except 3rd Tuesday of the month) on
The Washington County ARES net is temporarily on our Tertiary repeater of 147.360 with a plus offset and a tone of 107.2 Hz – FM repeater.
Website: http://washcoares.org/
Beaverton Emergency Radio Team (BERT) net
Please Join us every Monday evening at 8:00 pm for our weekly Beaverton CERT Net. You can find us onW7NK and Oregon Repeater Associates, the “EXH” repeaters 441.35 MHz (+), with a tone of 100.0 Hz (W7EXH) & 145.31 MHz (-), with a tone of 123.0 Hz (N7EXH).
Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training Net
The NTTN net meets daily at 6:05 p.m. The NTTN is an Amateur Radio Net to handle formal written traffic into and out of the state of Oregon. The Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training net is a affiliated with the Radio Relay International Traffic System. The net is sanctioned to meet on the linked repeaters of the Western Oregon Radio Club, Inc. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2.
There are two weekly nets held on the OTVARC repeaters. The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. The Portland Public Schools Amateur Radio Club Traffic Net is held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM until 7:30 PM on the 440.25 MHz repeater.
Website: https://otvarc.org/events/nets/
Western Oregon Radio Club. The Western Oregon Radio Club is an Amateur Radio club located in Portland Oregon. The club functions to operate radio repeaters to provide coverage over a large portion of the northwest corner of the state of Oregon.The club has several separate radio sites for repeaters. The separate sites are linked using RF linking to allow users on any local repeater to be heard on any of the other repeaters.
WORC User Net Every Wednesday 7:00PM-7:30PM
Website: http://www.worc.info/
West Coast Slow Speed Net (WCN) – Purpose of net is officially: a training net in traffic and net procedures. Some traffic is passed, mostly net reports. A good net to learn net procedures in CW environment. Most NCS run 10 wpm.
Net Information: Freq: 3540 kHz
Days: Daily
Time: 7PM Pacific time (winter schedule shifts to 6PM, currently most NCS also do an early call at 4PM due to conditions)
Coverage: South BC, WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, MT
Website: http://www.west-coast-net.info/index.php
Multnomah County ARES Net, Wednesday at 7pm on 146.840, no tone.
Website: http://www.multnomahares.org/
Portland Amateur Radio Club – PARC
Check out the weekly net, Monday nights at 7:00pm on 146.840, no tone.
Website: http://www.w7lt.org/
Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Net every Monday from 6:45 PM to 7:15 PM. This Net will start Monday, February 18th on 147.320 & 442.325 pl 100.
The PNWVHFS was established in the summer of 2001 for the purpose of encouraging weak-signal VHF, UHF and microwave activity in the Pacific Northwest. It was the culmination of many efforts over the years by weak-signal operators throughout the region to bring others of like interest together.
For a detailed list of Oregon and SW Washington Nets visit ARRG at https://arrg.org/nets/
HF Nets
The Noontime Net is a public service net that meets everyday on 7284 kHz. and 3970 kHz. with an alternate frequency of 7265 kHz for both nets. All Amateur Radio Operators with General Class licenses or higher, are encouraged to check in.
The Noontime Net is a wide-area coverage public service net covering primarily the Western United States and Canada. This is the ONLY net of its kind in that it operates on two (2) HF bands simultaneously, with a different Net Control Station for each band.
The Noontime Net starts it’s informal portion of the net at 09:30 PT on the 40 meter frequency and at 1130 PT on the 75 meter frequency daily.
The Daytime 7th Region Traffic Net – is a group of Amateur (Ham) Radio stations scattered throughout the 7th Region of the Radio Relay International System. Their purpose is the timely passing of written radio messages (radiograms) via amateur radio, into, out of and within the 7th Region of the International Traffic System – a part of the System’s commitment to the citizens of this country. The net meets twice daily on 3925 kHz or 7235 kHz at 0945 PT/1945 UTC and 1515 PT/2215 UTC 7 days a week – 365 days a year.
RN7 Website – https://www.qsl.net/ke7drt/
The Oregon Emergency Net
The OEN (Oregon Emergency Net) rolls at 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM every evening on 3980 kHz, LSB.
Oregon Section District 1 NTS (National Traffic System) nets run as follows: Daily at 5:30 PM – 3990 kHz – Oregon ARES Traffic Net.
More Links
ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
ARRL Emergency Communications Page
Amateur Radio Service – The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.
Universal Licensing System – New Users Guide To Getting Started With Universal Licensing System (ULS).