Oregon ARES District 1

Each Night 7:30PM-8:00PM

Archives 2021

SEA-PAC 2022 is a GO

Last Updated on December 29, 2021 by Site Admin

We’re moving forward with a spectacular “in person” SEA-PAC

June 3, 4 & 5, 2022, in beautiful Seaside, Oregon.



SEA-PAC 2022 Online Registration Will

Open at 12:01AM, February 15, 2022

As we restart the SEA-PAC website, there will be a few changes:

to the registration process:

• There will only be online and in-person registration

• Mail-in registration will no longer be available

• You can register online through the SEA-PAC website

• Or at the Registration Desk at the convention

• All convention document packets will be “Will Call”

• Convention documents (badge, tickets, etc.) will not be mailed

• Your convention documents will be waiting for you at the Registration “Will Call” Desk at the convention.

To stay informed about SEA-PAC, subscribe to the low volume “SEA-PAC Waves” eMail list by sending an email with your name and callsign to info@seapac.org. To see the latest SEA-PAC “Waves” newsletter CLICK HERE

All Weather Field Station

Last Updated on December 20, 2021 by Site Admin

It’s taken some time to get off the ground, but I’m happy to announce the All Weather Solar-Powered Field Station project.

The All Weather Solar-Powered Field Station is my attempt to put together a man portable, rapidly deployable, 2 operator, solar-powered field station other operators, clubs or organizations in the emcomm or survival communities can replicate.

That said it’s also important to remember that this is just the template or kind of a guide. I’m just showing you how I’ve been able to implement my field station. How you implement yours will depend on your requirements, budget, and of course your individual goals. Remember there’s no right or wrong way here. There’s only the way we achieve our goals!

Portable Ham Radio Station on Solar Power | Introduction

In today’s video I’d like to discuss the concept of a solar-powered portable ham radio station field station for casual or emergency communications. Those of you who follow the blog, probably already know about this project. For the rest of you here is a video introduction of a concept I call the All WX Solar-Powered EMCOMM Field Station.

The concept for a rapidly deployable, man-portable ham radio field station, came to me after the grid down disaster caused by Hurricane Maria. Hurricane Maria knocked out electricity and communications throughout Puerto Rico. this was an Awakening for many preparedness minded amateur radio operators around the world.

Emergency Communications Training

Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Site Admin

ARES ManualAmateur Radio Emergency Service Manual

FEMA Traininghttps://training.fema.gov/is/

Please refer to your individual Local County for specific ARES training

ARRL- Online Course Catalog

  • Introduction to Emergency Communication (EC-001)
  • Description. This course is designed to provide basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer. Visit ARRL for complete course details.

Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs (EC-016)

  • Description. This course is designed to train licensed Amateur Radio operators who will be in leadership and managerial roles organizing other volunteers to support public service activities and communications emergencies.
  • Visit ARRL for complete course details.

ARRL Self-Guided Emergency Communication Course EC-001-S is Now Available On Demand

ARRL’s EC-001-S online “Introduction to Emergency Communication” course is now available to students in an on-demand format, allowing students to register for the course and begin work at any time. This course is designed to provide basic knowledge and tools for any emergency communications volunteer.

  • Visit ARRL for complete course details.

  • Oregon ACES – Basic Certification: Oregon ACES was formed to develop a training and certification program for amateur radio emergency communicators.

    Mission: To support our emergency communications partners by promoting a standard for training and certification of amateur radio operators.


    • To develop training programs for Amateur Radio Emcomm Resources that meet the training needs of municipal, county, state, federal and private served agencies.
    • To manage a certification process for graduates of training programs which provides credentials that are modeled after NIMS/ICS resource typing.
    • To evaluate and accredit training programs and instructors for emergency communication training.
    • To develop and promote exercises in communications preparedness that allow operators to apply their learned skills.

    History: Amateur radio has a long history of supporting agencies in need with a variety of communications services in the event of an emergency. Traditionally these services have been available under either a Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services (RACES) program as outlined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), an Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) program outlined by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), or a combination of both programs.

    The  ACES program includes these and other emergency communications services including Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS), Civil Air Patrol (CAP), Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams (REACT), US Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCGA), Military Auxiliary Radio Service (MARS), Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) and others that can provide specific communications solutions.

    Radio Relay International – Traffic Handling – We’re the leading traffic handling outfit for operators in the U.S.A. and Canada with affiliates worldwide including in the UK, EU, Oceania and beyond.

    Decades of experience.  Proven leadership.  Quiet professionals doing our job. RRI is traffic handling the way it should be done with proven methods, new technology and a new sense of purpose.

    To learn how to pass formal written traffic join the Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training Net (NTTN) each evening at 6:05PM on the WORC linked repeater system.

    Net Operation

    Last Updated on December 8, 2021 by Site Admin

    A radio net is three or more radio stations communicating with each other on a common channel or frequency. A net is essentially a moderated conference call conducted over two-way radio, typically in half-duplex operating conditions. The use of half-duplex operation requires a very particular set of operating procedures to be followed in order to avoid inefficiencies and chaos.

    Nets operate either on schedule or continuously (continuous watch). Nets operating on schedule handle traffic only at definite, prearranged times and in accordance with a prearranged schedule of intercommunication. Nets operating continuously are prepared to handle traffic at any time; they maintain operators on duty at all stations in the net at all times. When practicable, messages relating to schedules will be transmitted by a means of signal communication other than radio.

    Net operations:

    • allow participants to conduct ordered conferences among participants who usually have common information needs or related functions to perform
    • are characterized by adherence to standard formats and procedures, and
    • are responsive to a common supervisory station, called the net control station“, which permits access to the net and maintains net operational discipline.

    Net manager

    A net manager is the person who supervises the creation and operation of a net over multiple sessions. This person will specify the format, date, time, participants, and the net control script. The net manager will also choose the Net Control Station for each net, and may occasionally take on that function, especially in smaller organizations.

    Net Control Station

    Radio nets are like conference calls in that both have a moderator who initiates the group communication, who ensures all participants follow the standard procedures, and who determines and directs when each other station may talk. The moderator in a radio net is called the Net Control Station, formally abbreviated NCS, and has the following duties:

    • Establishes the net and closes the net;
    • Directs Net activities, such as passing traffic, to maintain optimum efficiency;
    • Chooses net frequency, maintains circuit discipline and frequency accuracy;
    • Maintains a net log and records participation in the net and movement of messages; (always knows who is on and off net)
    • Appoints one or more Alternate Net Control Stations (ANCS);
    • Determines whether and when to conduct network continuity checks;
    • Determines when full procedure and full call signs may enhance communications;
    • Subject to Net Manager guidance, directs a net to be directed or free.

    The Net Control Station will, for each net, appoint at least one Alternate Net Control Station, formally abbreviated ANCS (abbreviated NC2 in WWII procedures), who has the following duties:

    • Assists the NCS to maintain optimum efficiency;
    • Assumes NCS duties in event that the NCS develops station problems;
    • Assumes NCS duties for a portion of the net, as directed or as needed;
    • Serves as a resource for the NCS; echoes transmissions of the NCS if, and only if, directed to do so by the NCS;
    • Maintains a duplicate net log.

    Structure of the net

    Nets can be described as always having a net opening and a net closing, with a roll call normally following the net opening, itself followed by regular net business, which may include announcements, official business, and message passing. Military nets will follow a very abbreviated and opaque version of the structure outlined below, but will still have the critical elements of opening, roll call, late check-ins, and closing.

    A net should always operate on the same principle as the inverted pyramid used in journalism—the most important communications always come first, followed by content in ever lower levels of priority.

    1. Net opening
      1. Identification of the NCS
      2. Announcement of the regular date, time, and frequency of the net
      3. Purpose of the net
    2. Roll call
      1. A call for stations to check in, oftentimes from a roster of regular stations
      2. A call for late check-ins (stations on the roster who did not respond to the first check-in period)
      3. A call for guest stations to check in
    3. Net business
    4. Optional conversion to a free net
    5. Net closing

    Each net will typically have a main purpose, which varies according to the organization conducting the net, which occurs during the net business phase. For amateur radio nets, it’s typically for the purpose of allowing stations to discuss their recent operating activities (stations worked, antennas built, etc.) or to swap equipment. For Military Auxiliary Radio System and National Traffic System nets, net business will involve mainly the passing of formal messages, known as radiograms.

    Credits: Wikipedia – For complete Details

    Introduction to APRS

    Last Updated on December 6, 2021 by Site Admin

    Brief History of APRS

    Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, is credited as the father and creator of APRS. His early work back in the 1980’s creating object positioning systems developed into a unconnected object mapping system in the early 90’s. Soon GPS technology became available to the consumer market and an automated system was developed. By the mid 90’s a somewhat robust APRS framework had developed.

    I call it a framework as it took the next decade for APRS to mature. But for APRS to be viable a few things needed to happen, so by the early 2000’s a dedicated APRS VHF frequency had been established. A full time internet gateway developed, and digipeat and path protocols formalized. The sign that APRS was ready for prime time was when radio manufacturers Kenwood and Yaesu released products with APRS functionality. Those wild west days of APRS may be gone, but the Automated Packet Reporting System has become an established, functional, and quite useful mode for amateur radio operators- especially those interested in Emergency Communications.

    How APRS Works

    So APRS works by transmitting unconnected packets containing a callsign, path, location, and other information. APRS is built on packet radio technology so the transmissions are in AX.25 format at 1200 baud. So you’ll need a device called a TNC or terminal node controller to take digital data and turn it into audio tones that an FM transceiver can transmit. In today’s world this sounds incredibly outdated, but the genius of the system is it’s robust nature.

    When I say unconnected, I mean that an APRS packet is transmitted without the expectation that it will be received by another station. Back in the olden days of packet radio you would use your TNC to connect to another station, much like a computer and modem would connect to another computer over the phone lines. So with an unconnected packets of APRS any number of receiving stations can potentially pick up the message and retransmit or digipeat it.

    This has the potential of conflict and these retransmitted packets can collide over the air, so a method of filtering and packet deprecation built into the digipeater firmware eliminatea duplicate packets. The way an APRS packet’s distance is controlled is by the path information.

    APRS Path Protocols

    If you ever looked at an APRS packet you probably saw things like WIDE, WIDE1-1, etc. These are the path protocols. The purpose of a digipeater is to listen for a packet and retransmit it. Since digipeaters cover a wide area, they will automatically retransmit a packet with the WIDE designator. So when the digipeater receives the packet marked WIDE, it will take the packet, substitute it’s callsign for WIDE, and retransmit it. Since the generic WIDE term is no longer in the packet and another digipeater won’t retransmit it. The packet now expires. Of course multiple digipeaters could receive the packet and retransmit them but the callsign substitution feature of the protocol prevents that ping pong effect from happening.

    Paths like WIDE1-1, or WIDE2-2 work in the same way, except that the 2-2 acts as a counter, extending the packet to multiple digipeaters. WIDE1-1 will go out 1 hop in all directions and WIDE2-2 will go out 2 hops in all directions. You never want to extend your packets out more than 3 hops as each hope introduces more chances for collision. Plus the goal of APRS is not to see how many maps you can light up, but instead travel just far enough for your packet to be picked up by an igate.

    APRS IGates

    An igate listens to the over the air traffic and injects the packets into the APRS internet stream. Igates can also take packets from the stream and retransmit them over the air. This has the benefit of being able to send and receive messages to just about any station heard by the internet stream. With radio and internet technology you can send short messages to just about any APRS station around the world. Also thanks to igates, you can view the local APRS traffic of just about any location.

    So how do we view the APRS information? The easiest way to get started is with an website called APRS.fi. APRS.fi transposes APRS packets onto a google map, making it very easy to view and query the APRS datastream. Some features, like messaging, are unavailable, but you can track stations and view their history, which are very useful features.

    Using APRS

    So you want to get involved in APRS. I think the easiest method is with a handheld radio, Btech APRS-K1 cable, and a smartphone. The APRS cable attaches to the 2-pin connector on the radio and plugs into the audio port on your phone. On your phone you’ll run an app like APRSDroid or APRS Pro Deluxe. The GPS in your phone will provide the location information and the app will emulate a terminal node controller. This setup lets you view and transmit to the local APRS channel and also view the APRS internet stream. Plus as you move the phone will cause the radio to beacon your location. You can purchase the BTech APRS-K1 Cable here.

    When I first got started with APRS, I built trackers using mobile radios, gps bricks, and TNCs. The downfall of APRS is the number of cables and connections needed to make the whole thing work. Something always was getting disconnected or stopped working. When I started biking more I wanted to take APRS with me, so I invested in a Yaesu VX-8R handheld. This little radio has both the GPS, TNC, and transceiver all integrated into one package, so there are no cables to worry about. Kenwood also created APRS integrated radios, and it was these devices that actually made APRS a useful protocol.

    But the common thread of APRS is the need of a TNC or terminal node controller. Whether you are using a tracker device like a Tinytrack or the Argent Data System, apps like APRSdroid, or a radio like the Kenwood D-710, all are using TNCs of some sort. APRS home stations often rely on a hardware TNC like the Kantronics KPC-3+, or older TNCs like the PK-12 or MFJ 1270. New KPC3+ TNCs have become outrageously expensive, and that value has trickled down to the used market. But there are still deals and you can pick up something like a PK-12, MFj 1270, PK-232 on the used market at a reasonable rate. Usually the key is scoping out hamfests with a keen eye to pick one up before someone else in the know spots it. But once you have your TNC you will be able to use some one of the standalone APRS applications, like the new PinpointAPRS on your shack computer.

    Credits: KB9VBR

    Digital Signal Processing

    Last Updated on November 29, 2021 by Site Admin

    What is a Digital Signal Processing System?
    • Let’s start with the individual meaning of the words defining Digital Signal Processing in its entirety.
      • Digital: In digital communication, we use discrete signals to represent data using binary numbers.
      • Signal: A signal is anything that carries some information. It’s a physical quantity that conveys data and varies with time, space, or any other independent variable. It can be in the time/frequency domain. It can be one-dimensional or two-dimensional. Here are all the major types of signals.
      • Processing: The performing of operations on any data in accordance with some protocol or instruction is known as processing.
      • System: A system is a physical entity that is responsible for the processing. It has the necessary hardware to perform the required arithmetic or logical operations on a signal. Here are all the major types of systems.
    • Putting all these together, we can get a definition for DSP.

    What is Digital Signal Processing (DSP)?

    Digital Signal Processing is the process of representing signals in a discrete mathematical sequence of numbers and analyzing, modifying, and extracting the information contained in the signal by carrying out algorithmic operations and processing on the signal.

    Block diagram of a DSP system
    Block diagram of a digital signal processing system (DSP)
    Block diagram of a digital signal processing system (DSP)
    • The first step is to get an electrical signal. The transducer (in our case, a microphone) converts sound into an electrical signal. You can use any transducer depending upon the case.
    • Once you have an analog electrical signal, we pass it through an operational amplifier (Op-Amp) to condition the analog signal. Basically, we amplify the signal. Or limit it to protect the next stages.
    • The anti-aliasing filter is an essential step in the conversion of analog to a digital signal. It is a low-pass filter. Meaning, it allows frequencies up to a certain threshold to pass. It attenuates all frequencies above this threshold. These unwanted frequencies make it difficult to sample an analog signal.
    • The next stage is a simple analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This unit takes in analog signals and outputs a stream of binary digits.
    • The heart of the system is the digital signal processor. These days we use CMOS chips (even ULSI) to make digital signal processors. In fact, modern processors, like the Cortex M4 have DSP units built inside the SoC. These processor units have high-speed, high data throughputs, and dedicated instruction sets.
    • The next stages are sort of the opposite of the stages preceding the digital signal processor.
    • The digital-to-analog converter does what its name implies. It’s necessary for the slew rate of the DAC to match the acquisition rate of the ADC.
    • The smoothing filter is another low-pass filter that smoothes the output by removing unwanted high-frequency components.
    • The last op-amp is just an amplifier.
    • The output transducer is a speaker in our case. You can use anything else according to your requirements.

    Applications of a Digital signal processing system

    We use digital signal processing in:

    • Telecommunication
      • For echo cancellation.
      • Equalization – Think about tuning your radio for bass and treble).
      • Filtering – Removing unwanted signals using specially designed filters like the Infinite Impulse Response  Filter (IIR).
      • Multiplexing and repeating signals.
    • Instrumentation and Control
      • In designing Phase Locked Logic (PLL).
      • Noise reduction circuits.
      • Compression of signals.
      • Function generators.
    • Digital Image Processing
    • Speech Processing
      • Digital audio synthesis.
      • Speech recognition and analysis.
    • Medicine
      • X-rays, ECGs, EEGs.
    • Signal filtering
      • Noise removal and shaping of signal spectrums.
    • Military
    • Consumer electronics
      • Music players
      • Professional music turntables (like the ones DJs use).

    Advantages of a Digital Signal Processing system

    A digital signal processing system enjoys many benefits over an analog signal processing system. Some of these advantages are briefly outlined below:

    • Less overall noise
      • Since the signals are digital and inherently possess a low probability of getting mixed with unwanted signals, the entire system benefits. Thus, DSPs don’t really have as much noise to deal with comparatively.
    • Error detection and correction is possible in DSPs
      • Again, the presence of digital signal means we have access to many error detection and correction features. For example, we can use parity generation and correction as a detection and correction tool.
    • Data storage is easier
      • Yet again, an advantage because of digital signals. You know how easy it is to store digital data, right? We can choose from a wide plethora of digital memories. However, analog data needs to be stored in tapes and stuff like that. It’s harder to transport and recreate with 100% fidelity.
    • Encryption
      • Digital signals are easy to encrypt. So this one counts as a win for the entire DSP system too.
    • Easier to process
      • Digital signals can easily undergo mathematical changes as compared to their analog counterparts.
    • More data transmission
      • Time-division multiplexing is a great tool available for digital systems to transmit more data over unit time and over a single communication path.
    • Higher component tolerance in DSP
      • The components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors have a certain threshold in terms of temperature. Outside this threshold, as the temperature increases, they might start behaving erratically.
      • These components are not present in a digital system. Moreover, digital systems can increase their accuracy with concepts like floating-point arithmetic.
    • Easier to modify
      • To modify an analog processing system, you need to change components, test, and verify the changes. With digital processing systems, you just need to change a few commands or alter a few lines of code.
    • DSP systems can work on frequencies of a broader range
      • There are some natural frequencies, like seismic frequencies that detect earthquakes. These signals have very low frequencies. Traditional analog signals might not even detect these signals. However, digital signal processing systems are adept at picking up even the tiniest of disturbances and also process them easily.
    • Cost
      • When working at scale, DSPs are cheaper.

    Disadvantages of a Digital Signal Processing system
    • Complexity
      • As we saw in the block diagram above, there are a lot of elements preceding and following a Digital Signal Processor. Stuff like filters and converters add to the complexity of a system.
    • Power
      • A digital signal processor is made up of transistors. Transistors consume more power since they are active components. A typical digital signal processor may contain millions of transistors. This increases the power that the system consumes.
    • Learning curve and design time
      • Learning the ins and outs of Digital Signal processing involves a steep learning curve. Setting up digital processing systems thus takes time. And if not pre-equipped with the right knowledge and tools, teams can spend a lot of time in setting up.
    • Loss of information
      • Quantization of data that is below certain Hz causes a loss in data according to the Rate-Distortion Theory.
    • Cost
      • For small systems, DSP is an expensive endeavor. Costing more than necessary.

    With the basic knowledge of the concept, you are now ready to dive right into our digital signal processing course.

    Reference technobyte

    Willamette Valley Mesh Network

    Last Updated on November 24, 2021 by Site Admin


    The Willamette Valley Mesh Network provides a local TCP/IP network for all connected users. It is like a highway leading around the region. Services are like the places you visit and allow you to do useful things which support emergency communications: file transfer and document storage, chat, telephony, network monitoring, mapping, and situational awareness.

    Some services are available by simply clicking a link on the mesh status web page, and others run as servers such as a NTP time server. Other services may be accessed through client installed apps. We use mostly open source and free software; some software has been written by our mesh users.

    An advantage of the mesh system is that these services are distributed throughout the regional coverage area. This offers the advantage of redundancy in the event of a network disruption, such as a local power failure. For example, we have several different installations of the MeshMap installed on different devices operated by users in Linn, Marion, and Yamhill Counties.

    WiFi access can be provided to users of the mesh network to Part 15 Computers, Tablets, and Phones at a deployment site. The AREDN documentation has a good section describing services, and gives examples of services that have been deployed by users of the AREDN mesh network.

    Current Services Deployed on the Mesh
    • MeshMap – a live updating map by KG6WXC showing station locations, services and connections.
    • Mesh Chat – a synchronized chat client and server that runs in all regions. Also allow file transfers.
    • APRS-IS – Local mesh server to handle Mesh APRS Traffic to Global APRS IS network.
    • Winlink – telnet post office and telnet P2P modes allow high speed email for amateur radio users.
    • Web servers – Apache and NGINX web servers provide a variety of services using clickable links
    • File Management – Tiny File Manager and FileGator are web file servers for all media.
    • NextCloud – A completely integrated, mesh-hosted content collaboration platform.
    • FreePBX – VoIP telephony provides trunked mesh phones and Linphone cell phone connectivity
    • iPerfSpeed – Utility to test RF connection throughput and packet loss built into the AREDN devices.
    • TeamTalk 5 – A video conferencing client/server (similar to Zoom) for presentations and meetings.
    • Weather Stations – WeeWX and DIY weather stations are installed in Albany and Florence
    • DokuWiki – a collaborative reference document platform
    • DMR Reflector – DMR Reflector to link DMR repeaters and Hotspots overmesh, it also supports linking into bandmister.
    • Rocket.Chat – a communications platform  that offers chat, audio, and video messaging and file transfer.
    • Video – network IP cameras are installed for RTSP video monitoring and viewing in web browsers
    • Wikipedia – The full Wikipedia is mirrored on the mesh, Every article.
    • Othernet – a satellite-based receiver downloads  reference materials and information.
    • Zenmap – a GUI based network topology and monitoring service.
    • Chronyd and NTPd – GPS synchronized local network time protocol services.
    • Arednsig – a custom RF station connectivity monitor written by KA7JLO
    • DIY Radiation Monitor – a custom KA7JLO radiation monitor which can be accessed via web server

    Reference – For complete details visit Willamette Valley Mesh Network website.

    FCC Application Fees Unlikely to Go into Effect Until 2022

    Last Updated on November 17, 2021 by Site Admin

    From the ARRL: 8/17/21:

    The schedule of FCC amateur radio application fees likely will not go into effect before 2022. FCC staff confirmed during a recent virtual meeting with Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs) that the agency is still working on the necessary changes to the Universal Licensing System (ULS) software and other processes and procedures that must be in place before it starts collecting fees from amateur
    applicants. Earlier this year, the FCC said it would not start collecting fees from amateur applicants before this Summer. The new estimate is that the fees won’t go into effect until early next year.

    Once it’s effective, the $35 application fee will apply to new, modification (upgrade and sequential call sign change), renewal, and vanity call sign applications. All fees will be per application. Administrative update applications, such as those to change a licensee’s name, mailing, or email address, will be exempt from
    fees. ARRL VEC manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, said Volunteer Examiner (VE) teams will not face the burden of collecting the $35 fee.

    “Once the FCC application fee takes effect, new and upgrade applicants will pay the exam session fee to the VE team as usual, but they’ll pay the $35 application fee directly to the FCC using the FCC Pay Fees system,” she explained. When the FCC receives theexamination information from the VEC, it will email a link with
    payment instructions to each successful candidate who then will have 10 days from the date of the email to pay.

    The FCC Pay Fees system can be accessed at, https://apps2.fcc.gov/Batch_Filer/login.cfm .

    After the fee is paid and the FCC has processed an application, examinees will receive a second email from the FCC with a link to their official license. The link will be good for 30 days. Licensees also will be able to view, download, and print official license copies by logging into their FCC ULS account. The FCC no longer
    provides printed licenses.

    Licensees can log into the ULS with their 10-digit FRN (FCC Registration Number) and password at any time to view and manage their license and application, print their license, and update anything in their FCC license record, including adding an email address.



    $35 FEE: New, modification (upgrade and sequential call sign change), renewal, and vanity call sign applications. All fees will be per application.

    NO FEE: Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, or license cancellation.


    $35 FEE: New, renewal, trustee change, and vanity call sign applications. All fees will be per application.

    NO FEE: Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, or license cancellation.

    ARRL Northwestern Division
    Director: Michael T Ritz, W7VO

    Public Alerts

    Last Updated on November 15, 2021 by Site Admin

    Emergency Alerts Can Keep You Safe.

    PublicAlerts sends information about how to stay safe during an emergency. It can send messages by text, email, or voice message.

    It’s available for anyone who lives, works, or visits the Portland-Vancouver Region.

    Each county uses a separate PublicAlerts system. Click on the map or enter your address in the box. This will take you to your county’s registration site.

    You can also find direct weblinks to the county registration websites on the map.

    This system will only send alerts to the email addresses and phone numbers you provide when registering. If you live, work, and play in multiple counties, sign up in each county’s system.

    Personal information is kept secure and private. The service is free, but message and data rates may apply depending on your phone provider.

    Sign up for PublicAlerts